check.h File Reference

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "fpocket.h"
#include "fpout.h"
#include "rpdb.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "fparams.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


int check_qhull (void)
int check_fparams (void)
int check_fpocket (void)
int check_is_valid_element (void)
int check_pdb_reader (void)
void load_pdb_line (s_atm *atom, char *line)
void test_pdb_line (char test_case[], const char entry[], int id, const char name[], char aloc, char chain, int resid, char insert, float x, float y, float z, float occ, float bfactor, const char symbol[], int charge, int N)

Function Documentation

int check_fparams ( void   ) 

## FUNCTION: int check_fparams(void)

## SPECIFICATION: function to check fparams parsing

Definition at line 173 of file check.c.

References s_fparams::asph_max_size, s_fparams::asph_min_size, s_fparams::clust_max_dist, get_fpocket_args(), s_fparams::min_apol_neigh, s_fparams::min_pock_nb_asph, my_free(), my_malloc(), s_fparams::pdb_path, s_fparams::refine_clust_dist, s_fparams::refine_min_apolar_asphere_prop, s_fparams::sl_clust_max_dist, and s_fparams::sl_clust_min_nneigh.

Referenced by main().

00174 {
00175         fprintf(stdout, "\n--> TESTING FPOCKET PARAMETERS <--\n") ;
00176         /* Setting parameters*/
00177         int N = 21 ;
00178         int i ;
00179         char targs[][100] = { "fpocket",
00180                                                 "-f", "sample/3LKF.pdb",
00181                                                 "-m", "3.1",
00182                                                 "-M", "6.1",
00183                                                 "-A", "2",
00184                                                 "-D", "1.5",
00185                                                 "-s", "4.0",
00186                                                 "-n", "5",
00187                                                 "-i", "1000",
00188                                                 "-r", "10.0",
00189                                             "-p", "0.0001"} ;
00191         char **args = my_malloc(N*sizeof(char*)) ;
00192         for(i = 0 ; i < N ; i++) {
00193                 args[i] = my_malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(targs[i])) ;
00194                 strcpy(args[i], targs[i]) ;
00195         }
00196         /* Checking */
00198         fprintf(stdout, "    PARSING COMMAND LINE ........... ") ;
00199         s_fparams *params = get_fpocket_args(N, (char**)args) ;
00200         if(!params) {
00201                 fprintf(stdout, "FAILED \n") ;
00202                 return 1 ;
00203         }
00204         fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00206         int nfails = 0 ;
00207         if(strcmp(args[2], params->pdb_path) == 0)
00208                 fprintf(stdout, "    TEST FPARAM f .................. OK \n") ;
00209         else {
00210                 nfails ++ ;
00211                 fprintf(stdout, "    TEST FPARAM f .................. FAILED \n") ;
00212         }
00214         if( params->asph_min_size <= atof(args[4])+0.001
00215                 && params->asph_min_size >= atof(args[4])-0.001)
00216                 fprintf(stdout, "    TEST FPARAM m .................. OK \n") ;
00217         else{
00218                 nfails ++ ;
00219                 fprintf(stdout, "    TEST FPARAM m .................. FAILED \n") ;
00220         }
00222         if( params->asph_max_size <= atof(args[6])+0.001
00223                 && params->asph_max_size >= atof(args[6])-0.001)
00224                 fprintf(stdout, "    TEST FPARAM M .................. OK \n") ;
00225         else{
00226                 nfails ++ ;
00227                 fprintf(stdout, "    TEST FPARAM M .................. FAILED \n") ;
00228         }
00230         if(atoi(args[8]) == params->min_apol_neigh)
00231                 fprintf(stdout, "    TEST FPARAM A .................. OK \n") ;
00232         else{
00233                 nfails ++ ;
00234                 fprintf(stdout, "    TEST FPARAM A .................. FAILED \n") ;
00235         }
00237         if( atof(args[10]) <= params->clust_max_dist + 0.001 &&
00238                 atof(args[10]) >= params->clust_max_dist - 0.001)
00239                 fprintf(stdout, "    TEST FPARAM D .................. OK \n") ;
00240         else{
00241                 nfails ++ ;
00242                 fprintf(stdout, "    TEST FPARAM D .................. FAILED \n") ;
00243         }
00245         if( atof(args[12]) <= params->sl_clust_max_dist + 0.001 &&
00246                 atof(args[12]) >= params->sl_clust_max_dist - 0.001)
00247                 fprintf(stdout, "    TEST FPARAM S .................. OK \n") ;
00248         else{
00249                 nfails ++ ;
00250                 fprintf(stdout, "    TEST FPARAM S .................. FAILED \n") ;
00251         }
00253         if(atoi(args[14]) == params->sl_clust_min_nneigh)
00254                 fprintf(stdout, "    TEST FPARAM n .................. OK \n") ;
00255         else{
00256                 nfails ++ ;
00257                 fprintf(stdout, "    TEST FPARAM n .................. FAILED \n") ;
00258         }
00260         if(atoi(args[16]) == params->min_pock_nb_asph)
00261                 fprintf(stdout, "    TEST FPARAM i .................. OK \n") ;
00262         else{
00263                 nfails ++ ;
00264                 fprintf(stdout, "    TEST FPARAM i .................. FAILED \n") ;
00265         }
00267         if( atof(args[18]) <= params->refine_clust_dist + 0.001 &&
00268                 atof(args[18]) >= params->refine_clust_dist - 0.001)
00269                 fprintf(stdout, "    TEST FPARAM r .................. OK \n") ;
00270         else{
00271                 nfails ++ ;
00272                 fprintf(stdout, "    TEST FPARAM r .................. FAILED \n") ;
00273         }
00275         if( atof(args[20]) <= params->refine_min_apolar_asphere_prop + 0.001 &&
00276                 atof(args[20]) >= params->refine_min_apolar_asphere_prop - 0.001)
00277                 fprintf(stdout, "    TEST FPARAM p .................. OK \n") ;
00278         else{
00279                 nfails ++ ;
00280                 fprintf(stdout, "    TEST FPARAM p .................. FAILED \n") ;
00281         }
00283         for(i = 0 ; i < N ; i++) my_free(args[i]) ;
00284         my_free(args) ;
00286         return nfails ;
00287 }

int check_fpocket ( void   ) 

## FUNCTION: int check_fpocket(void)

## SPECIFICATION: function to check fpocket correct functionality

Definition at line 105 of file check.c.

References c_lst_pocket_free(), free_fparams(), get_fpocket_args(), M_DONT_KEEP_LIG, M_KEEP_LIG, my_free(), my_malloc(), c_lst_pockets::n_pockets, s_fparams::pdb_path, rpdb_open(), rpdb_read(), search_pocket(), and write_out_fpocket().

Referenced by main().

00106 {
00107         fprintf(stdout, "\n--> TESTING FPOCKET ALGORITHM <--\n") ;
00108         /* Setting parameters*/
00109         int N = 3, i = 0, nfail = 0 ;
00110         char targs[][100] = {"fpocket", "-f", "sample/3LKF.pdb"} ;
00112         char **args = my_malloc(N*sizeof(char*)) ;
00113         for(i = 0 ; i < N ; i++) {
00114                 args[i] = my_malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(targs[i])) ;
00115                 strcpy(args[i], targs[i]) ;
00116         }
00118         /* Checking */
00119         fprintf(stdout, "    PARSING COMMAND LINE ........... ") ;
00120         s_fparams *params = get_fpocket_args(N, args) ;
00121         if(!params) {
00122                 fprintf(stdout, "FAILED \n") ;
00123                 return 1 ;
00124         }
00125         fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00127         fprintf(stdout, "    OPENING PDB FILE................ ") ;
00128         s_pdb *pdb =  rpdb_open(params->pdb_path, NULL, M_DONT_KEEP_LIG) ;
00129         s_pdb *pdb_w_lig =  rpdb_open(params->pdb_path, NULL, M_KEEP_LIG) ;
00131         if(pdb) {
00132                 /* Actual reading of pdb data and then calculation */
00133                         fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00134                         fprintf(stdout, "    READING PDB FILE ............... ") ;
00135                         rpdb_read(pdb, NULL, M_DONT_KEEP_LIG) ;
00136                         rpdb_read(pdb_w_lig, NULL, M_KEEP_LIG) ;
00137                         fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00139                         fprintf(stdout, "    RUNNING FPOCKET ................ ") ;
00140                         c_lst_pockets *pockets = search_pocket(pdb, params,pdb_w_lig);
00141                         if(pockets && pockets->n_pockets > 0) {
00142                                 fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00143                                 fprintf(stdout, "    WRITING FPOCKET OUTPUT ......... ") ;
00144                                 write_out_fpocket(pockets, pdb, params->pdb_path);
00145                                 fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00146                                 c_lst_pocket_free(pockets) ;
00147                         }
00148                         else {
00149                                 nfail++ ;
00150                                 fprintf(stdout, "NO POCKET FOUND\n") ;
00151                         }
00152         }
00153         else {
00154                 nfail++ ;
00155                 fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (%s) \n", params->pdb_path) ;
00156         }
00158         for(i = 0 ; i < N ; i++) my_free(args[i]) ;
00159         my_free(args) ;
00160         free_fparams(params) ;
00162         return nfail ;
00163 }

int check_is_valid_element ( void   ) 

Definition at line 431 of file check.c.

References is_valid_element().

Referenced by check_pdb_reader().

00432 {
00433         int nfails = 0 ;
00435         /* Testing if the ignore element is taken into account */
00436         fprintf(stdout, "    TEST ELEMENT COMPARATOR (1) .... ") ;
00437         int idx1 = is_valid_element("He", 1) ;
00438         int idx2 = is_valid_element("He", 0) ;
00439         int idx3 = is_valid_element("he", 1) ;
00440         int idx4 = is_valid_element("he", 0) ;
00442         if(idx1 != 2 || idx2 != 2 || idx3 != 2 || idx4 != -1) {
00443                 nfails ++ ;
00444                 fprintf(stdout, "FAILED \n") ;
00445         }
00446         else fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00448         /* Testing thje automatic removal of space */
00449         fprintf(stdout, "    TEST ELEMENT COMPARATOR (2) .... ") ;
00450         int idx5 = is_valid_element("Fe  ", 1) ;
00451         int idx6 = is_valid_element("   Fe  ", 1) ;
00452         int idx7 = is_valid_element("  S", 1) ;
00453         int idx8 = is_valid_element("  S ", 1) ;
00454         if(idx5 == -1 || idx6 == -1 || idx7 == -1 || idx8 == -1) {
00455                 nfails ++ ;
00456                 fprintf(stdout, "FAILED \n") ;
00457         }
00458         else fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00460         /* Testing non valid elements */
00461         fprintf(stdout, "    TEST ELEMENT COMPARATOR (3) .... ") ;
00462         int idx9 = is_valid_element(" sdzqqs ", 1) ;
00463         int idx10 = is_valid_element(" 92 ", 1) ;
00465         if(idx9 != -1 || idx10 != -1) {
00466                 nfails ++ ;
00467                 fprintf(stdout, "FAILED \n") ;
00468         }
00469         else fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00471         return nfails ;
00472 }

int check_pdb_reader ( void   ) 

## FUNCTION: int check_pdb_reader(void)

## SPECIFICATION: function to check pdb parser

Definition at line 297 of file check.c.

References check_is_valid_element(), and test_pdb_line().

Referenced by main().

00298 {
00299         int nfails = 0 ;
00301         fprintf(stdout, "\n--> TESTING PDB READER  <--\n") ;
00303         /* Test some routines used by the reader */
00304         nfails += check_is_valid_element() ;
00306         /* Test several single record cases: */
00307 /*
00308                         "ATOM      1  N  BALA A   1      11.104   6.134  -6.504  1.00  0.00           N  ",
00309                         "ATOM      2  CA  ALA A   1      11.639   6.071  -5.147  1.00  0.00           C-1",
00310                         "ATOM    293 1HG  GLU A   18    -14.861  -4.847   0.361  1.00  0.00           H  ",
00311                         "HETATM 3835 FE   HEM A   1      17.140   3.115  15.066  1.00 14.14          FE  ",
00312                         "HETATM 8238  S   SO4 A2001      10.885 -15.746 -14.404  1.00 47.47           S  ",
00313                         "HETATM 8239  O1  SO4 A2001      11.191 -14.833 -15.531  1.00 50.12           O  "
00314 */
00316         /*
00317          * FIRST TEST
00318          */
00320         char test_case1[] = "ATOM      1  N  BALA A   1      11.104   6.134  -6.504  1.00  0.00           N  " ;
00321         test_pdb_line(  test_case1, "ATOM", 1, "N", 'B', 'A', 1, ' ',
00322                                         11.104, 6.134, -6.504, 1.0, 0.0, "N", 0, 1) ;
00324         char test_case2[] = "ATOM      2  CA  ALA A   1      11.639   6.071  -5.147  1.00  0.00           C-1" ;
00325         test_pdb_line(  test_case2, "ATOM", 2, "CA", ' ', 'A', 1, ' ',
00326                                         11.639, 6.071, -5.147, 1.0, 0.0, "C", -1, 2) ;
00328         return nfails ;
00330 }

int check_qhull ( void   ) 


Vincent Le Guilloux, Peter Schmidtke and Pierre Tuffery, hereby disclaim all copyright interest in the program “fpocket” (which performs protein cavity detection) written by Vincent Le Guilloux and Peter Schmidtke.

Vincent Le Guilloux 28 November 2008 Peter Schmidtke 28 November 2008 Pierre Tuffery 28 November 2008


This file is part of the fpocket package.

fpocket is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

fpocket is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with fpocket. If not, see <>.

Definition at line 81 of file check.c.

00082 {
00083         fprintf(stdout, "\n--> TESTING QHULL INSTALLATION <--\n") ;
00084         fprintf(stdout, "    IS QVORONOI HERE ............... ") ;
00085         int status = system("qvoronoi > /dev/null") ;
00086         if (status != 0) {
00087                 fprintf(stdout, "NO -> FPOCKET CANNOT BE TESTED\n") ;
00088                 status = 1 ;
00089         }
00090         else{
00091                 fprintf(stdout, "YES\n") ;
00092         }
00094         return status ;
00095 }

void load_pdb_line ( s_atm atom,
char *  line 

Definition at line 414 of file check.c.

References s_atm::bfactor, s_atm::chain, s_atm::charge, s_atm::id, s_atm::name, s_atm::occupancy, s_atm::pdb_aloc, s_atm::pdb_insert, s_atm::res_id, s_atm::res_name, rpdb_extract_pdb_atom(), str_trim(), s_atm::symbol, s_atm::type, s_atm::x, s_atm::y, and s_atm::z.

Referenced by test_pdb_line().

00415 {
00416     /*int trash;*/
00417         int guess_flag=0;
00418         rpdb_extract_pdb_atom(line, atom->type, &(atom->id),
00419                                                 atom->name, &(atom->pdb_aloc), atom->res_name,
00420                                                 atom->chain, &(atom->res_id), &(atom->pdb_insert),
00421                                                 &(atom->x), &(atom->y), &(atom->z),
00422                                                 &(atom->occupancy), &(atom->bfactor), atom->symbol,
00423                                                 &(atom->charge),&guess_flag) ;
00425         str_trim(atom->type) ;
00426         str_trim(atom->name) ;
00427         str_trim(atom->chain) ;
00428         str_trim(atom->symbol) ;
00429 }

void test_pdb_line ( char  test_case[],
const char  entry[],
int  id,
const char  name[],
char  aloc,
char  chain,
int  resid,
char  insert,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
float  occ,
float  bfactor,
const char  symbol[],
int  charge,
int  N 

## FUNCTION: int test_pdb_line(void)

## SPECIFICATION: test pdb line parsing

Definition at line 340 of file check.c.

References s_atm::bfactor, s_atm::chain, s_atm::charge, s_atm::id, load_pdb_line(), my_calloc(), my_free(), s_atm::name, s_atm::occupancy, s_atm::pdb_aloc, s_atm::pdb_insert, s_atm::res_id, s_atm::symbol, s_atm::type, s_atm::x, s_atm::y, and s_atm::z.

Referenced by check_pdb_reader().

00344 {
00345         /*
00346          * FIRST TEST
00347          */
00348         s_atm *atom = my_calloc(1, sizeof(s_atm)) ;
00349         load_pdb_line(atom, test_case) ;
00351         fprintf(stdout, "\n    TEST PDB READER (%d) ............ \n", N) ;
00353         fprintf(stdout, "      *TEST PDB READER (ENTRY) ..... ") ;
00354         if(     strcmp(atom->type, entry) == 0) fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00355         else fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (%s VS %s)\n", atom->type, entry) ;
00358         fprintf(stdout, "      *TEST PDB READER (ID) ........ ") ;
00359         if(atom->id == id) fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00360         else fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (%d VS %d)\n", atom->id, id) ;
00362         fprintf(stdout, "      *TEST PDB READER (NAME) ...... ") ;
00363         if(strcmp(atom->name, name) == 0) fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00364         else fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (%s VS %s)\n", atom->name, name) ;
00366         fprintf(stdout, "      *TEST PDB READER (ALTLOC) .... ") ;
00367         if(atom->pdb_aloc == aloc) fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00368         else fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (%c VS %c)\n", atom->pdb_aloc, aloc) ;
00370         fprintf(stdout, "      *TEST PDB READER (CHAIN) ..... ") ;
00371         if(atom->chain[0] == chain) fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00372         else fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (%c VS %c)\n", atom->chain[0], chain) ;
00374         fprintf(stdout, "      *TEST PDB READER (RESID) ..... ") ;
00375         if(atom->res_id == resid) fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00376         else fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (%d VS %d)\n", atom->res_id , resid) ;
00378         fprintf(stdout, "      *TEST PDB READER (INSERT) .... ") ;
00379         if(atom->pdb_insert == insert) fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00380         else fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (%c VS %c)\n", atom->pdb_insert, insert) ;
00382         fprintf(stdout, "      *TEST PDB READER (X) ......... ") ;
00383         if((atom->x < x+0.001 && atom->x > x-0.001)) fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00384         else fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (%.2f VS %.2f)\n", atom->x, x) ;
00386         fprintf(stdout, "      *TEST PDB READER (Y) ......... ") ;
00387         if((atom->y < y+0.001 && atom->y > y-0.001)) fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00388         else fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (%.2f VS %.2f)\n", atom->y, y) ;
00390         fprintf(stdout, "      *TEST PDB READER (Z) ......... ") ;
00391         if((atom->z < z+0.001 && atom->z > z-0.001)) fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00392         else fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (%.2f VS %.2f)\n", atom->z, z) ;
00394         fprintf(stdout, "      *TEST PDB READER (OCCUPANCY) . ") ;
00395         if((atom->occupancy < occ+0.001 && atom->occupancy > occ-0.001)) fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00396         else fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (%.2f VS %.2f)\n", atom->occupancy, occ) ;
00398         fprintf(stdout, "      *TEST PDB READER (BFACTOR) ... ") ;
00399         if((atom->bfactor < bfactor+0.001 && atom->bfactor > bfactor-0.001)) fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00400         else fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (%.2f VS %.2f)\n", atom->bfactor, bfactor) ;
00402         fprintf(stdout, "      *TEST PDB READER (SYMBOL) .... ") ;
00403         if(strcmp(atom->symbol, symbol) == 0) fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00404         else fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (%s VS %s)\n", atom->symbol, symbol) ;
00406         fprintf(stdout, "      *TEST PDB READER (CHARGE) .... ") ;
00407         if(atom->charge == charge) fprintf(stdout, "OK \n") ;
00408         else fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (%d VS %d)\n", atom->charge, charge) ;
00410         my_free(atom) ;
00411 }

Generated on Mon Jun 7 16:44:23 2010 for fpocket by  doxygen 1.5.6