fparams.c File Reference

#include "../headers/fparams.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


s_fparamsinit_def_fparams (void)
s_fparamsget_fpocket_args (int nargs, char **args)
int parse_clust_max_dist (char *str, s_fparams *p)
int parse_sclust_max_dist (char *str, s_fparams *p)
int parse_sclust_min_nneigh (char *str, s_fparams *p)
int parse_min_apol_neigh (char *str, s_fparams *p)
int parse_asph_min_size (char *str, s_fparams *p)
int parse_asph_max_size (char *str, s_fparams *p)
int parse_mc_niter (char *str, s_fparams *p)
int parse_basic_vol_div (char *str, s_fparams *p)
int parse_refine_dist (char *str, s_fparams *p)
int parse_refine_minaap (char *str, s_fparams *p)
int parse_min_pock_nb_asph (char *str, s_fparams *p)
int is_fpocket_opt (const char opt)
void free_fparams (s_fparams *p)
void print_pocket_usage (FILE *f)
void print_fparams (s_fparams *p, FILE *f)

Function Documentation

void free_fparams ( s_fparams p  ) 

## FUNCTION: free_fparams

## SPECIFICATION: Free parameters

## PARAMETRES: @ s_params *p: Pointer to the structure to free

## RETURN: void

Definition at line 562 of file fparams.c.

References my_free(), s_fparams::npdb, and s_fparams::pdb_lst.

Referenced by check_fpocket(), free_dparams(), free_mdparams(), free_tparams(), get_fpocket_args(), and main().

00563 {
00564     int i ;
00565     if(p) {
00566         if(p->npdb > 0 && p->pdb_lst != NULL) {
00567                 for (i = 0 ; i < p->npdb ; i++) {
00568                         if(p->pdb_lst[i] != NULL) my_free(p->pdb_lst[i]) ;
00569                 }
00570                 my_free(p->pdb_lst) ;
00571         }
00572         my_free(p) ;
00573     }
00574 }

s_fparams* get_fpocket_args ( int  nargs,
char **  args 

## FUNCTION: get_fpocket_args

## SPECIFICATION: This function analyse the user's command line and parse it to store parameters for the pocket finder programm.

## PARAMETRES: @ int nargs : Number of arguments @ char **args : Arguments of main program

## RETURN: s_params*: Pointer to parameters

Definition at line 88 of file fparams.c.

References s_fparams::db_run, free_fparams(), init_def_fparams(), M_MAX_PDB_NAME_LEN, M_PAR_BASIC_VOL_DIVISION, M_PAR_CLUST_MAX_DIST, M_PAR_DB_RUN, M_PAR_MAX_ASHAPE_SIZE, M_PAR_MC_ITER, M_PAR_MIN_APOL_NEIGH, M_PAR_MIN_ASHAPE_SIZE, M_PAR_MIN_POCK_NB_ASPH, M_PAR_PDB_FILE, M_PAR_PDB_LIST, M_PAR_REFINE_DIST, M_PAR_REFINE_MIN_NAPOL_AS, M_PAR_SL_MAX_DIST, M_PAR_SL_MIN_NUM_NEIGH, my_malloc(), s_fparams::npdb, parse_asph_max_size(), parse_asph_min_size(), parse_basic_vol_div(), parse_clust_max_dist(), parse_mc_niter(), parse_min_apol_neigh(), parse_min_pock_nb_asph(), parse_refine_dist(), parse_refine_minaap(), parse_sclust_max_dist(), parse_sclust_min_nneigh(), s_fparams::pdb_lst, s_fparams::pdb_path, and print_pocket_usage().

Referenced by check_fparams(), check_fpocket(), get_dpocket_args(), get_mdpocket_args(), get_tpocket_args(), and main().

00089 {
00090         int i,
00091                 npdb = 0,
00092                 status = 0 ;
00094         s_fparams *par = init_def_fparams() ;
00095         char *pdb_lst = NULL ;
00097         //read arguments by flags
00098         for (i = 1; i < nargs; i++) {
00099                 if (strlen(args[i]) == 2 && args[i][0] == '-' && i <= (nargs-1)) {
00101                         switch (args[i][1]) {
00102                                 case M_PAR_MAX_ASHAPE_SIZE        : 
00103                                         status += parse_asph_max_size(args[++i], par) ;         break ;
00104                                 case M_PAR_MIN_ASHAPE_SIZE        : 
00105                                         status += parse_asph_min_size(args[++i], par) ;         break ;
00106                                 case M_PAR_MIN_APOL_NEIGH         : 
00107                                         status += parse_min_apol_neigh(args[++i], par) ;        break ;
00108                                 case M_PAR_CLUST_MAX_DIST         : 
00109                                         status += parse_clust_max_dist(args[++i], par) ;        break ;
00110                                 case M_PAR_SL_MAX_DIST            : 
00111                                         status += parse_sclust_max_dist(args[++i], par) ;       break ;
00112                                 case M_PAR_SL_MIN_NUM_NEIGH   : 
00113                                         status += parse_sclust_min_nneigh(args[++i], par) ; break ;
00114                                 case M_PAR_MC_ITER                        : 
00115                                         status += parse_mc_niter(args[++i], par) ;                      break ;
00116                                 case M_PAR_BASIC_VOL_DIVISION : 
00117                                         status += parse_basic_vol_div(args[++i], par) ;         break ;
00118                                 case M_PAR_MIN_POCK_NB_ASPH   : 
00119                                         status += parse_min_pock_nb_asph(args[++i], par) ;      break ;
00120                                 case M_PAR_REFINE_DIST            : 
00121                                         status += parse_refine_dist(args[++i], par) ;           break ;
00122                                 case M_PAR_REFINE_MIN_NAPOL_AS: 
00123                                         status += parse_refine_minaap(args[++i], par) ; 
00124                                         break ;
00125                                 case M_PAR_DB_RUN :
00126                                         par->db_run=1;
00127                                         break;
00129                                 case M_PAR_PDB_LIST :
00130                                         pdb_lst = args[++i] ; 
00131                                         break ;
00133                                 case M_PAR_PDB_FILE                       : 
00134                                                 if(npdb >= 1) fprintf(stderr, 
00135                                                         "! Only first input pdb will be used.\n") ;
00136                                                 else {
00137                                                         strcpy(par->pdb_path, args[++i]) ; npdb++ ;
00138                                                 }
00139                                                 break ;
00140                                 default: break ;
00141                         }
00142                 }
00143         }
00145         if(status > 0) {
00146                 free_fparams(par) ;
00147                 print_pocket_usage(stdout);
00148                 return NULL ;
00149         }
00151         par->npdb = npdb ;
00153         /* Handle a file containing a list of PDB */
00154         if(pdb_lst != NULL) {
00155                 FILE *f = fopen(pdb_lst, "r") ;
00156                 if(f != NULL) {
00157                         /* Count the number of lines */
00158                         int n = 0 ;
00159                         char cline [M_MAX_PDB_NAME_LEN + 1] ;
00161                         while(fgets(cline, M_MAX_PDB_NAME_LEN, f) != NULL) {
00162                                 if(strcmp("\n", cline) != 0) {
00163                                         n ++ ;
00164                                 }
00165                         }
00166                         fclose(f) ;
00167                         if(n == 0) {
00168                                 return par ;
00169                         }
00171                         /* Allocate memory and store each line */
00172                         par->pdb_lst = (char **)my_malloc(n*sizeof(char*)) ;
00174                         f = fopen (pdb_lst, "r") ; 
00175                         int i = 0, l = 0 ;
00176                         char *line;
00177                         while(fgets(cline, M_MAX_PDB_NAME_LEN, f) != NULL) {
00178                                 if(strcmp("\n", cline) != 0) {
00179                                         l = strlen(cline) ;
00180                                         if(cline[l-1] == '\n') {
00181                                                 l-- ;
00182                                                 cline[l] = '\0' ;
00183                                         }
00184                                         line = (char *) my_malloc((l+1)*sizeof(char)) ;
00185                                         memcpy (line, cline, l+1);
00187                                         par->pdb_lst[i] = line ;
00188                                         i ++ ;
00189                                 }
00190                         }
00192                         par->npdb = n ;
00193                 }
00194         }
00196         return par;
00197 }

s_fparams* init_def_fparams ( void   ) 

## FUNCTION: init_def_fparams

## SPECIFICATION: Initialisation of default parameters


## RETURN: s_fparams*: Pointer to allocated paramers.

Definition at line 48 of file fparams.c.

References s_fparams::asph_max_size, s_fparams::asph_min_size, s_fparams::basic_volume_div, s_fparams::clust_max_dist, s_fparams::db_run, s_fparams::flag_do_asa_and_volume_calculations, M__MIN_APOL_NEIGH_DEFAULT, M_BASIC_VOL_DIVISION, M_CLUST_MAX_DIST, M_DB_RUN, M_MAX_ASHAPE_SIZE_DEFAULT, M_MC_ITER, M_MIN_ASHAPE_SIZE_DEFAULT, M_MIN_POCK_NB_ASPH, M_REFINE_DIST, M_REFINE_MIN_PROP_APOL_AS, M_SLCLUST_MAX_DIST, M_SLCLUST_MIN_NUM_NEIGH, s_fparams::min_apol_neigh, s_fparams::min_pock_nb_asph, my_malloc(), s_fparams::nb_mcv_iter, s_fparams::npdb, s_fparams::pdb_lst, s_fparams::pdb_path, s_fparams::refine_clust_dist, s_fparams::refine_min_apolar_asphere_prop, s_fparams::sl_clust_max_dist, and s_fparams::sl_clust_min_nneigh.

Referenced by get_fpocket_args().

00049 {
00050         s_fparams *par = (s_fparams *) my_malloc(sizeof(s_fparams)) ;
00052         par->min_apol_neigh = M__MIN_APOL_NEIGH_DEFAULT ;
00053         par->asph_min_size = M_MIN_ASHAPE_SIZE_DEFAULT ;
00054         par->asph_max_size = M_MAX_ASHAPE_SIZE_DEFAULT ;
00055         par->sl_clust_max_dist = M_SLCLUST_MAX_DIST ;
00056         par->sl_clust_min_nneigh = M_SLCLUST_MIN_NUM_NEIGH ;
00057         par->pdb_path[0] = 0 ;
00058         par->basic_volume_div = M_BASIC_VOL_DIVISION ;
00059         par->nb_mcv_iter = M_MC_ITER ;
00060         par->min_pock_nb_asph = M_MIN_POCK_NB_ASPH ;
00061         par->refine_clust_dist = M_REFINE_DIST ;
00062         par->refine_min_apolar_asphere_prop = M_REFINE_MIN_PROP_APOL_AS ;
00063         par->clust_max_dist = M_CLUST_MAX_DIST ;
00064         par->npdb = 0 ;
00065         par->pdb_lst = NULL ;
00066         par->flag_do_asa_and_volume_calculations=1;
00067         par->db_run=M_DB_RUN;
00069         return par ;
00070 }

int is_fpocket_opt ( const char  opt  ) 

## FUNCTION: is_fpocket_opt

## SPECIFICATION: Say either or not a single letter code is a fpocket option (excluding input file/list option.)

## PARAMETRES: @ const char opt: The one letter code option.

## RETURN: integer: 1 if it's a valid option parmeter, 0 if not.

Definition at line 529 of file fparams.c.


Referenced by get_dpocket_args(), get_mdpocket_args(), and get_tpocket_args().

00530 {
00531         if( opt == M_PAR_MAX_ASHAPE_SIZE ||
00532                 opt == M_PAR_MIN_ASHAPE_SIZE ||
00533                 opt == M_PAR_MIN_APOL_NEIGH ||
00534                 opt == M_PAR_CLUST_MAX_DIST ||
00535                 opt == M_PAR_SL_MAX_DIST ||
00536                 opt == M_PAR_SL_MIN_NUM_NEIGH ||
00537                 opt == M_PAR_MC_ITER ||
00538                 opt == M_PAR_BASIC_VOL_DIVISION ||
00539                 opt == M_PAR_MIN_POCK_NB_ASPH ||
00540                 opt == M_PAR_REFINE_DIST ||
00541                 opt == M_PAR_REFINE_MIN_NAPOL_AS) {
00542                 return 1 ;
00543         }
00545         return 0 ;
00546 }

int parse_asph_max_size ( char *  str,
s_fparams p 

## FUNCTION: parse_asph_max_size

## SPECIFICATION: Parsing function for the maximum radius of each alpha shpere

## PARAMETERS: @ char *str : The string to parse @ s_fparams *p : The structure than will contain the parsed parameter

## RETURN: int: 0 if the parameter is valid (here a valid float), 1 if not

Definition at line 358 of file fparams.c.

References s_fparams::asph_max_size, M_NO_SIGN, and str_is_float().

Referenced by get_fpocket_args().

00359 {
00360         if(str_is_float(str, M_NO_SIGN)) {
00361                 p->asph_max_size = (float) atof(str) ;
00362         }
00363         else {
00364                 fprintf(stdout, "! Invalid value (%s) given for the max radius of alpha shperes.\n", str) ;
00365                 return 1 ;
00366         }
00368         return 0 ;
00369 }

int parse_asph_min_size ( char *  str,
s_fparams p 

## FUNCTION: parse_asph_min_size

## SPECIFICATION: Parsing function for the minimum radius of each alpha shpere

## PARAMETERS: @ char *str: The string to parse @ s_fparams *p: The structure than will contain the parsed parameter

## RETURN: int: 0 if the parameter is valid (here a valid float), 1 if not

Definition at line 330 of file fparams.c.

References s_fparams::asph_min_size, M_NO_SIGN, and str_is_float().

Referenced by get_fpocket_args().

00331 {
00332         if(str_is_float(str, M_NO_SIGN)) {
00333                 p->asph_min_size = (float) atof(str) ;
00334         }
00335         else {
00336                 fprintf(stdout, "! Invalid value (%s) given for the min radius of alpha shperes.\n", str) ;
00337                 return 1 ;
00338         }
00340         return 0 ;
00341 }

int parse_basic_vol_div ( char *  str,
s_fparams p 

## FUNCTION: parse_basic_vol_div

## SPECIFICATION: Parsing function for the number of iteration for the basic volume calculation.

## PARAMETERS: @ char *str : The string to parse @ s_fparams *p : The structure than will contain the parsed parameter

## RETURN: int: 0 if the parameter is valid (here a valid integer), 1 if not

Definition at line 415 of file fparams.c.

References s_fparams::basic_volume_div, M_NO_SIGN, and str_is_number().

Referenced by get_fpocket_args().

00416 {
00417         if(str_is_number(str, M_NO_SIGN)) {
00418                 p->basic_volume_div = (int) atoi(str) ;
00419         }
00420         else {
00421                 fprintf(stdout, "! Invalid value (%s) given for the precision of the basic volume calculation.\n", str) ;
00422                 return 1 ;
00423         }
00425         return 0 ;
00426 }

int parse_clust_max_dist ( char *  str,
s_fparams p 

## FUNCTION: parse_clust_max_dist

## SPECIFICATION: Parsing function for the distance criteria first clustering algorithm.

## PARAMETERS: @ char *str : The string to parse @ s_fparams *p : The structure than will contain the parsed parameter

## RETURN: int: 0 if the parameter is valid (here a valid float), 1 if not

Definition at line 214 of file fparams.c.

References s_fparams::clust_max_dist, M_NO_SIGN, and str_is_float().

Referenced by get_fpocket_args().

00215 {
00216         if(str_is_float(str, M_NO_SIGN)) {
00217                 p->clust_max_dist = atof(str) ;
00218         }
00219         else {
00220                 fprintf(stdout, "! Invalid value (%s) given for the single linkage max dist.\n", str) ;
00221                 return 1 ;
00222         }
00224         return 0 ;
00225 }

int parse_mc_niter ( char *  str,
s_fparams p 

## FUNCTION: parse_mc_niter

## SPECIFICATION: Parsing function for the number of iteration for the Monte Carlo volume calculation.

## PARAMETERS: @ char *str : The string to parse @ s_fparams *p : The structure than will contain the parsed parameter

## RETURN: int: 0 if the parameter is valid (here a valid float), 1 if not

Definition at line 387 of file fparams.c.

References M_NO_SIGN, s_fparams::nb_mcv_iter, and str_is_float().

Referenced by get_fpocket_args().

00388 {
00389         if(str_is_float(str, M_NO_SIGN)) {
00390                 p->nb_mcv_iter = (int) atoi(str) ;
00391         }
00392         else {
00393                 fprintf(stdout, "! Invalid value (%s) given for the number of monte-carlo iteration for the volume.\n", str) ;
00394                 return 1 ;
00395         }
00397         return 0 ;
00398 }

int parse_min_apol_neigh ( char *  str,
s_fparams p 

## FUNCTION: parse_min_apol_neigh

## SPECIFICATION: Parsing function for the minimum number of apolar contacted atom for an alpha sphere to be considered as apolar.

## PARAMETERS: @ char *str : The string to parse @ s_fparams *p : The structure than will contain the parsed parameter

## RETURN: int: 0 if the parameter is valid (here a valid int), 1 if not

Definition at line 300 of file fparams.c.

References M_NO_SIGN, s_fparams::min_apol_neigh, and str_is_number().

Referenced by get_fpocket_args().

00301 {
00302         if(str_is_number(str, M_NO_SIGN)) {
00303                 p->min_apol_neigh = (int) atoi(str) ;
00304                 if(p->min_apol_neigh < 0) p->min_apol_neigh = 0 ;
00305                 if(p->min_apol_neigh > 4) p->min_apol_neigh = 4 ;
00306         }
00307         else {
00308                 fprintf(stdout, "! Invalid value (%s) given for the min radius of alpha shperes.\n", str) ;
00309                 return 1 ;
00310         }
00312         return 0 ;
00313 }

int parse_min_pock_nb_asph ( char *  str,
s_fparams p 

## FUNCTION: parse_min_pock_nb_asph

## SPECIFICATION: Parsing function for the minimum number of alpha sphere per pocket.

## PARAMETERS: @ char *str : The string to parse @ s_fparams *p : The structure than will contain the parsed parameter

## RETURN: int: 0 if the parameter is valid (here a valid integer), 1 if not

Definition at line 499 of file fparams.c.

References M_NO_SIGN, s_fparams::min_pock_nb_asph, and str_is_number().

Referenced by get_fpocket_args().

00500 {
00501         if(str_is_number(str, M_NO_SIGN)) {
00502                 p->min_pock_nb_asph = (int) atoi(str) ;
00503         }
00504         else {
00505                 fprintf(stdout, "! Invalid value (%s) given for the refine distance.\n", str) ;
00506                 return 1 ;
00507         }
00509         return 0 ;
00510 }

int parse_refine_dist ( char *  str,
s_fparams p 

## FUNCTION: parse_refine_dist

## SPECIFICATION: Parsing function for the distance in the refine algorithm

## PARAMETERS: @ char *str : The string to parse @ s_fparams *p : The structure than will contain the parsed parameter

## RETURN: int: 0 if the parameter is valid (here a valid float), 1 if not

Definition at line 443 of file fparams.c.

References M_NO_SIGN, s_fparams::refine_clust_dist, and str_is_float().

Referenced by get_fpocket_args().

00444 {
00445         if(str_is_float(str, M_NO_SIGN)) {
00446                 p->refine_clust_dist = (float) atof(str) ;
00447         }
00448         else {
00449                 fprintf(stdout, "! Invalid value (%s) given for the refine distance.\n", str) ;
00450                 return 1 ;
00451         }
00453         return 0 ;
00454 }

int parse_refine_minaap ( char *  str,
s_fparams p 

## FUNCTION: parse_refine_min_apol

## SPECIFICATION: Parsing function for the minimum number of apolar sphere per pocket.

## PARAMETERS: @ char *str : The string to parse @ s_fparams *p : The structure than will contain the parsed parameter

## RETURN: int: 0 if the parameter is valid (here a valid integer), 1 if not

Definition at line 471 of file fparams.c.

References M_NO_SIGN, s_fparams::refine_min_apolar_asphere_prop, and str_is_float().

Referenced by get_fpocket_args().

00472 {
00473         if(str_is_float(str, M_NO_SIGN)) {
00474                 p->refine_min_apolar_asphere_prop = (float) atof(str) ;
00475         }
00476         else {
00477                 fprintf(stdout, "! Invalid value (%s) given for the refine distance.\n", str) ;
00478                 return 1 ;
00479         }
00481         return 0 ;
00482 }

int parse_sclust_max_dist ( char *  str,
s_fparams p 

## FUNCTION: parse_sclust_max_dist

## SPECIFICATION: Parsing function for the distance criteria in the single linkage clustering.

## PARAMETERS: @ char *str : The string to parse @ s_fparams *p : The structure than will contain the parsed parameter

## RETURN: int: 0 if the parameter is valid (here a valid float), 1 if not

Definition at line 243 of file fparams.c.

References M_NO_SIGN, s_fparams::sl_clust_max_dist, and str_is_float().

Referenced by get_fpocket_args().

00244 {
00245         if(str_is_float(str, M_NO_SIGN)) {
00246                 p->sl_clust_max_dist = atof(str) ;
00247         }
00248         else {
00249                 fprintf(stdout, "! Invalid value (%s) given for the single linkage max dist.\n", str) ;
00250                 return 1 ;
00251         }
00253         return 0 ;
00254 }

int parse_sclust_min_nneigh ( char *  str,
s_fparams p 

## FUNCTION: parse_sclust_min_nneigh

## SPECIFICATION: Parsing function for the number of neighbours in the single linkage clustering.

## PARAMETERS: @ char *str : The string to parse @ s_fparams *p : The structure than will contain the parsed parameter

## RETURN: int: 0 if the parameter is valid (here a valid int), 1 if not

Definition at line 271 of file fparams.c.

References M_NO_SIGN, s_fparams::sl_clust_min_nneigh, and str_is_number().

Referenced by get_fpocket_args().

00272 {
00273         if(str_is_number(str, M_NO_SIGN)) {
00274                 p->sl_clust_min_nneigh = atoi(str) ;
00275         }
00276         else {
00277                 fprintf(stdout, "! Invalid value (%s) given for the single linkage max dist.\n", str) ;
00278                 return 1 ;
00279         }
00281         return 0 ;
00282 }

void print_fparams ( s_fparams p,
FILE *  f 

## FUNCTION: print_fparams

## SPECIFICATION: Print function

## PARAMETRES: @ s_fparams *p : Parameters to print @ FILE *f : Buffer to write in


Definition at line 611 of file fparams.c.

References s_fparams::asph_max_size, s_fparams::asph_min_size, s_fparams::basic_volume_div, s_fparams::clust_max_dist, s_fparams::min_apol_neigh, s_fparams::nb_mcv_iter, s_fparams::pdb_path, s_fparams::refine_clust_dist, s_fparams::refine_min_apolar_asphere_prop, s_fparams::sl_clust_max_dist, and s_fparams::sl_clust_min_nneigh.

00612 {
00613         if(p) {
00614                 fprintf(f, "==============\nParameters of fpocket: \n");
00615                 fprintf(f, "> Minimum alpha sphere radius: %f\n", p->asph_min_size);
00616                 fprintf(f, "> Maximum alpha sphere radius: %f\n", p->asph_max_size);
00617                 fprintf(f, "> Minimum number of apolar neighbor: %d\n", p->min_apol_neigh);
00618                 fprintf(f, "> Maximum distance for first clustering algorithm: %f \n", p->clust_max_dist) ;
00619                 fprintf(f, "> Single linkage clustering distance: %f\n", p->sl_clust_max_dist);
00620                 fprintf(f, "> Single linkage clustering neighbor: %d\n", p->sl_clust_min_nneigh);
00621                 fprintf(f, "> Refine clustering distance: %f\n", p->refine_clust_dist);
00622                 fprintf(f, "> Min number of apolar sphere in refine to keep a pocket: %f\n", p->refine_min_apolar_asphere_prop) ;
00623                 fprintf(f, "> Monte carlo iterations: %d\n", p->nb_mcv_iter);
00624                 fprintf(f, "> Basic method for volume calculation: %d\n", p->basic_volume_div);
00625                 fprintf(f, "> PDB file: %s\n", p->pdb_path);
00626                 fprintf(f, "==============\n");
00627         }
00628         else fprintf(f, "> No parameters detected\n");
00629 }

void print_pocket_usage ( FILE *  f  ) 

## FUNCTION: print_pocket_usage

## SPECIFICATION: Displaying usage of the programm in the given buffer

## PARAMETRES: @ FILE *f: buffer to print in

## RETURN: void

Definition at line 590 of file fparams.c.

References M_FP_USAGE.

Referenced by get_fpocket_args(), and main().

00591 {
00592         f = (f == NULL) ? stdout:f ;
00594         fprintf(f, M_FP_USAGE) ;
00595 }

Generated on Mon Jun 7 16:44:23 2010 for fpocket by  doxygen 1.5.6