neighbor.h File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "voronoi.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "rpdb.h"
#include "sort.h"
#include "memhandler.h"

Go to the source code of this file.




s_atm ** get_mol_atm_neigh (s_atm **atoms, int natoms, s_atm **all, int nall, float dist_crit, int *nneigh)
s_atm ** get_mol_ctd_atm_neigh (s_atm **atoms, int natoms, s_vvertice **pvert, int nvert, float vdist_crit, int interface_search, int *nneigh)
s_vvertice ** get_mol_vert_neigh (s_atm **atoms, int natoms, s_vvertice **pvert, int nvert, float dist_crit, int *nneigh)
float count_pocket_lig_vert_ovlp (s_atm **lig, int nlig, s_vvertice **pvert, int nvert, float dist_crit)
float count_atm_prop_vert_neigh (s_atm **lig, int nlig, s_vvertice **pvert, int nvert, float dist_crit, int n_lig_molecules)
int count_vert_neigh_P (s_vvertice **pvert, int nvert, s_vvertice **pvert_all, int nvert_all, float dcrit)
int count_vert_neigh (s_vsort *lsort, s_vvertice **pvert, int nvert, float dcrit)

Define Documentation


Definition at line 53 of file neighbor.h.

Referenced by get_actual_pocket(), and get_explicit_desc().


Definition at line 52 of file neighbor.h.

Referenced by get_mol_ctd_atm_neigh().


Definition at line 54 of file neighbor.h.

Function Documentation

float count_atm_prop_vert_neigh ( s_atm **  lig,
int  nlig,
s_vvertice **  pvert,
int  nvert,
float  dcrit,
int  n_lig_molecules 

## FUNCTION: count_pocket_lig_vert_ovlp

## SPECIFICATION: Return the proportion of atoms given in parameter that have at least one vertice that lies within dcrit A

## PARAMETRES: @ s_atm **lig : The molecule. @ int nlig : Number of atoms in the molecule @ s_vvertice *pvert : List of vertices to check. @ int nvert : Number of verties (tipically in a given pocket) @ float dcrit : The distance criteria.s

## RETURN: The proportion of atoms with dcrit A of at least 1 vertice.

Definition at line 610 of file neighbor.c.

References dist(), free_s_vsort(), get_sorted_list(), M_VERTICE_TYPE, s_vsort::nelem, s_atm::res_id, s_atm::sort_x, s_vvertice::x, s_atm::x, s_vsort::xsort, s_vvertice::y, s_atm::y, s_vvertice::z, and s_atm::z.

Referenced by check_pockets(), and desc_pocket().

00612 {
00613         s_vsort *lsort =  get_sorted_list(lig, nlig, pvert, nvert) ;
00614         s_vect_elem *xsort = lsort->xsort ;
00616         int ip, im, i,
00617                 stopm, stopp,
00618                 nb_neigh,
00619                 sort_x,
00620                 ntest_x,
00621                 dim = lsort->nelem ;
00623         float vvalx, vvaly, vvalz ;
00624         int multi_nb_neigh[n_lig_molecules];
00625         int multi_nb_lig_atoms[n_lig_molecules];
00627         int c_lig_mol=0;
00628         float max_prop=0.0;
00629         float tmp=0.0;
00630         char chain_tmp[2];
00631         int resnumber_tmp;
00632         strcpy(chain_tmp,lig[0]->chain);
00633         resnumber_tmp = lig[0]->res_id;
00635         s_vvertice *curvp = NULL, *curvm = NULL ;
00637         nb_neigh = 0 ;
00638         multi_nb_neigh[0]=0;
00639         multi_nb_lig_atoms[0]=0;
00640         for(i = 0 ; i < nlig ; i++) {
00641                 /*check if we are in a new ligand molecule*/
00642                 if(strcmp(chain_tmp,lig[i]->chain) !=0 || resnumber_tmp!=lig[i]->res_id){
00643                     c_lig_mol++;
00644                     strcpy(chain_tmp,lig[i]->chain);
00645                     resnumber_tmp =lig[i]->res_id;
00646                     multi_nb_neigh[c_lig_mol]=0;
00647                     multi_nb_lig_atoms[c_lig_mol]=0;
00648                 }
00649                 multi_nb_lig_atoms[c_lig_mol]++;
00650                 s_atm *cur = lig[i] ;
00652         /* Reinitialize variables */
00653                 stopm = 0; stopp = 0;
00654                 sort_x = cur->sort_x ;
00655                 ntest_x = 1 ;
00656                 vvalx = cur->x ; vvaly = cur->y ; vvalz = cur->z ;
00658         /* Search neighbors */
00659                 while(!stopm || !stopp) {
00660                 /* Do the neighbor search while we are in tab and we dont reach a
00661                  * distance up to our criteria */
00662                         ip = ntest_x + sort_x ;
00663                         if(ip >= dim) stopp = 1 ;
00665                         if(stopp == 0 && xsort[ip].type == M_VERTICE_TYPE) {
00666                                 curvp = (s_vvertice*) xsort[ip].data ;
00668                                 if(curvp->x - vvalx > dcrit) stopp = 1 ;
00669                                 else {
00670                                 /* OK we have an atom which is near our vertice on X, so
00671                                  * calculate real distance */
00672                                         if(dist(curvp->x, curvp->y, curvp->z, vvalx, vvaly, vvalz) < dcrit) {
00673                                         /* Distance OK, break the loop */
00674                                                 multi_nb_neigh[c_lig_mol]++;
00675                                                 nb_neigh ++ ; break ;
00676                                         }
00677                                 }
00678                         }
00680                         im = sort_x - ntest_x ;
00681                         if(im < 0) stopm = 1 ;
00683                         if(stopm == 0 && xsort[im].type == M_VERTICE_TYPE) {
00684                                 curvm = (s_vvertice*) xsort[im].data ;
00686                                 if(vvalx - curvm->x > dcrit) stopm = 1 ;
00687                                 else {
00688                                 /* OK we have an atom which is near our vertice on X, so
00689                                  * calculate real distance */
00690                                         if(dist(curvm->x, curvm->y, curvm->z, vvalx, vvaly, vvalz) < dcrit){
00691                                         /* Distance OK, see if the molecule is not one part of the
00692                                          * input, and if we have not already seen it. */
00693                                                 multi_nb_neigh[c_lig_mol]++;
00694                                                 nb_neigh++ ; break ;
00695                                         }
00696                                 }
00697                         }
00699                         ntest_x += 1 ;
00700                 }
00701         }
00702         /*get only the max proportion between overlap for different lig mols*/
00703         for(i=0;i<n_lig_molecules;i++){
00704             tmp=(float)multi_nb_neigh[i]/(float)multi_nb_lig_atoms[i];
00705             if(tmp>max_prop) max_prop=tmp;
00706         }
00707         free_s_vsort(lsort);
00708         return max_prop;
00709 }

float count_pocket_lig_vert_ovlp ( s_atm **  lig,
int  nlig,
s_vvertice **  pvert,
int  nvert,
float  dcrit 

## FUNCTION: count_pocket_lig_vert_ovlp

## SPECIFICATION: Return the proportion of alpha sphere given in parameter that lies within dcrit A of the ligand -> we loop on each ligand atom and we count the number of unique vertices next to each atoms using dist-crit.

## PARAMETRES: @ s_atm **lig : The molecule. @ int nlig : Number of atoms in the molecule @ s_vvertice *pvert : List of vertices to check. @ int nvert : Number of verties (tipically in a given pocket) @ float dcrit : The distance criteria.s

## RETURN: A tab of pointers to the neighbours.

Definition at line 503 of file neighbor.c.

References dist(), free_s_vsort(), get_sorted_list(), M_VERTICE_TYPE, s_vsort::nelem, s_vvertice::seen, s_atm::sort_x, s_vvertice::x, s_atm::x, s_vsort::xsort, s_vvertice::y, s_atm::y, s_vvertice::z, and s_atm::z.

Referenced by check_pockets(), and desc_pocket().

00506 {
00507         s_vsort *lsort =  get_sorted_list(lig, nlig, pvert, nvert) ;
00508         s_vect_elem *xsort = lsort->xsort ;
00510         int ip, im, i,
00511                 stopm, stopp,
00512                 nb_neigh,
00513                 sort_x,
00514                 ntest_x,
00515                 dim = lsort->nelem ;
00517         float vvalx, vvaly, vvalz ;
00519         s_vvertice *ids[nvert] ;
00520         for(i = 0 ; i < nvert ; i++) {
00521                 pvert[i]->seen = 0 ;
00522                 ids[i] = NULL ;
00523         }
00525         s_vvertice *curvp = NULL, *curvm = NULL ;
00527         nb_neigh = 0 ;
00528         for(i = 0 ; i < nlig ; i++) {
00529                 s_atm *cur = lig[i] ;
00531         /* Reinitialize variables */
00532                 stopm = 0; stopp = 0;
00533                 sort_x = cur->sort_x ;
00534                 ntest_x = 1 ;
00535                 vvalx = cur->x ; vvaly = cur->y ; vvalz = cur->z ;
00537         /* Search neighbors */
00538                 while(!stopm || !stopp) {
00539                 /* Do the neighbor search while wa are in tab and we dont reach a
00540                  * distance up to our criteria */
00541                         ip = ntest_x + sort_x ;
00542                         if(ip >= dim) stopp = 1 ;
00544                         if(stopp == 0 && xsort[ip].type == M_VERTICE_TYPE) {
00545                                 curvp = (s_vvertice*) xsort[ip].data ;
00547                                 if(curvp->x - vvalx > dcrit) stopp = 1 ;
00548                                 else {
00549                                 /* OK we have an atom which is near our vertice on X, so
00550                                  * calculate real distance */
00551                                         if(dist(curvp->x, curvp->y, curvp->z, vvalx, vvaly, vvalz) < dcrit) {
00552                                         /* Distance OK, see if the molecule have not been already seen. */
00553                                                 if(! curvp->seen) {
00554                                                         ids[nb_neigh] = curvp ;
00555                                                         curvp->seen = 1 ;
00556                                                         nb_neigh ++ ;
00557                                                 }
00558                                         }
00559                                 }
00560                         }
00562                         im = sort_x - ntest_x ;
00563                         if(im < 0) stopm = 1 ;
00565                         if(stopm == 0 && xsort[im].type == M_VERTICE_TYPE) {
00566                                 curvm = (s_vvertice*) xsort[im].data ;
00568                                 if(vvalx - curvm->x > dcrit) stopm = 1 ;
00569                                 else {
00570                                 /* OK we have an atom which is near our vertice on X, so
00571                                  * calculate real distance */
00572                                         if(dist(curvm->x, curvm->y, curvm->z, vvalx, vvaly, vvalz) < dcrit){
00573                                         /* Distance OK, see if the molecule is not one part of the
00574                                          * input, and if we have not already seen it. */
00575                                                 if(!curvm->seen) {
00576                                                         ids[nb_neigh] = curvm ;
00577                                                         curvm->seen = 1 ;
00578                                                         nb_neigh ++ ;
00579                                                 }
00580                                         }
00581                                 }
00582                         }
00584                         ntest_x += 1 ;
00585                 }
00586         }
00588         free_s_vsort(lsort) ;
00589         return (float)nb_neigh/(float)nvert ;
00590 }

int count_vert_neigh ( s_vsort lsort,
s_vvertice **  pvert,
int  nvert,
float  dcrit 

## FUNCTION: count_vert_neigh

## SPECIFICATION: Count the number of vertices that lies within a distance <= dist_crit from a list of query vertices. The user must provide the list of sorted vertices (that should include the query vertices and all other vertices to consider), the query vertices and the distance criteria.

Note that if the query vertices are not present in the list of ordered vertices, the function will return 0.

## PARAMETRES: @ s_vsort *lsort : List of sorted vertices. @ s_vvertice **pvert : List of pointer to query vertices @ int nvert : Number of query vertices @ float dcrit : The distance criteria.

## RETURN: int: The total number of vertices lying within dist_crit A of the query vertices

Definition at line 770 of file neighbor.c.

References s_vect_elem::data, dist(), s_vsort::nelem, s_vvertice::seen, s_vvertice::sort_x, s_vvertice::x, s_vsort::xsort, s_vvertice::y, and s_vvertice::z.

Referenced by count_vert_neigh_P().

00771 {
00772         s_vect_elem *xsort = lsort->xsort ;
00774         s_vvertice *vcur = NULL ;
00776         int ip, im, i,
00777                 stopm, stopp,
00778                 nb_neigh,
00779                 sort_x,
00780                 ntest_x,
00781                 dim = lsort->nelem ;
00783         float vvalx, vvaly, vvalz;
00785         /* Set all vertices to NOT SEEN, except the query vertices */
00786         for(i = 0 ; i < dim ; i++) ((s_vvertice*) lsort->xsort[i].data)->seen = 0 ;
00787         for(i = 0 ; i < nvert ; i++) pvert[i]->seen = 2 ;
00789         s_vvertice *curvp = NULL, *curvm = NULL ;
00790         nb_neigh = 0 ;
00791         for(i = 0 ; i < nvert ; i++) {
00792                 vcur = pvert[i] ;
00794                 /* Reinitialize variables */
00795                 stopm = 0; stopp = 0;
00796                 sort_x = vcur->sort_x ;
00797                 ntest_x = 1 ;
00798                 vvalx = vcur->x ; vvaly = vcur->y ; vvalz = vcur->z ;
00800                 /* Search neighbors */
00801                 while(!stopm || !stopp) {
00802                         /* Do the neighbor search while wa are in tab and we dont reach a
00803                          * distance up to our criteria */
00804                         ip = ntest_x + sort_x ;
00806                         /* Stop the search if we reach dim*/
00807                         if(ip >= dim) stopp = 1 ;
00809                         if(stopp == 0) {
00810                                 curvp = (s_vvertice*) xsort[ip].data ;
00812                                 /* Stop the search the distance on X is > dcrit*/
00813                                 if(curvp->x - vvalx > dcrit) stopp = 1 ;
00814                                 /* Check if the current vertice has not already been counted */
00815                                 else if(curvp->seen == 0) {
00816                                         if(dist(curvp->x, curvp->y, curvp->z, vvalx, vvaly, vvalz) < dcrit) {
00817                                                 /* Distance OK, count and mark the vertice */
00818                                                 curvp->seen = 1 ;
00819                                                 nb_neigh ++ ;
00820                                         }
00821                                 }
00822                         }
00824                         im = sort_x - ntest_x ;
00825                         if(im < 0) stopm = 1 ;
00827                         if(stopm == 0) {
00828                                 curvm = (s_vvertice*) xsort[im].data ;
00830                                 /* Stop the search the distance on X is > dcrit*/
00831                                 if(vvalx - curvm->x > dcrit) stopm = 1 ;
00832                                 /* Check if the current vertice has not already been counted */
00833                                 else if(curvp->seen == 0) {
00834                                 /* OK we have an atom which is near our vertice on X, so
00835                                  * calculate real distance */
00836                                         if(dist(curvm->x, curvm->y, curvm->z, vvalx, vvaly, vvalz) < dcrit){
00837                                                 /* Distance OK, count and mark the vertice */
00838                                                 curvm->seen = 1 ;
00839                                                 nb_neigh ++ ;
00840                                         }
00841                                 }
00842                         }
00844                         ntest_x += 1 ;
00845                 }
00846         }
00848         return nb_neigh ;
00849 }

int count_vert_neigh_P ( s_vvertice **  pvert,
int  nvert,
s_vvertice **  pvert_all,
int  nvert_all,
float  dcrit 

## FUNCTION: count_vert_neigh_P

## SPECIFICATION: Count the number of vertices that lies within a distance <= dist_crit from a list of query vertices. The user must provide the query vertices, the full list of vertices to consider, and the distance criteria.

## PARAMETRES: @ s_vvertice *pvert : List of pointer to query vertices @ int nvert : Number of query vertices @ s_vvertice *pvert_all : List of pointer to all vertice to consider @ int nvert_all : Total number of vertices to consider @ float dcrit : The distance criteria.

## RETURN: int: The total number of vertices lying within dist_crit A of the query vertices

Definition at line 733 of file neighbor.c.

References count_vert_neigh(), free_s_vsort(), and get_sorted_list().

00736 {
00737         s_vsort *lsort =  get_sorted_list(NULL, 0, pvert_all, nvert_all) ;
00738         int res = count_vert_neigh(lsort, pvert, nvert, dcrit) ;
00740         free_s_vsort(lsort) ;
00742         return res ;
00743 }

s_atm** get_mol_atm_neigh ( s_atm **  atoms,
int  natoms,
s_atm **  all,
int  nall,
float  dcrit,
int *  nneigh 

## FUNCTION: get_mol_atm_neigh

## SPECIFICATION: Return a list of pointer to the atoms situated a distance lower or equal to dcrit from a molecule represented by a list of atoms.

This functon use a list of atoms that is sorted on the X dimension to accelerate the research.

## PARAMETRES: @ s_atm **atoms : The molecule atoms. @ int natoms : Number of atoms in the molecule @ s_pdb *pdb : The pdb structure containing all atoms of the system @ float dcrit : The distance criteria. @ int *nneigh : OUTPUT A pointer to the number of neighbour found, will be modified in the function...

## RETURN: A tab of pointers to the neighbours, with the number of neighbors stored in nneigh

Definition at line 90 of file neighbor.c.

References dist(), free_s_vsort(), get_sorted_list(), s_atm::id, is_in_lst_atm(), my_malloc(), my_realloc(), s_vsort::nelem, s_atm::sort_x, s_atm::x, s_vsort::xsort, s_atm::y, and s_atm::z.

Referenced by get_actual_pocket_DEPRECATED(), and get_explicit_desc().

00092 {       
00093         /* No vertices, we only search atoms... */
00094         s_vsort *lsort =  get_sorted_list(all, nall, NULL, 0) ;
00095         s_vect_elem *xsort = lsort->xsort ;
00097         int ip, im,
00098                 stopm, stopp,
00099                 nb_neigh,
00100                 sort_x,
00101                 ntest_x,
00102                 dim = lsort->nelem ;
00104         float vvalx, vvaly, vvalz;
00106         int real_size = 10,
00107                 i, seen ;
00109         s_atm *curap = NULL, *curam = NULL ;
00110         s_atm **neigh = (s_atm**)my_malloc(sizeof(s_atm*)*real_size) ;
00112         nb_neigh = 0 ;
00113         for(i = 0 ; i < natoms ; i++) {
00114                 s_atm *cur = atoms[i] ;
00116         /* Reinitialize variables */
00117                 stopm = 0; stopp = 0;
00118                 sort_x = cur->sort_x ;
00119                 ntest_x = 1 ;
00120                 vvalx = cur->x ; vvaly = cur->y ; vvalz = cur->z ;
00122         /* Search neighbors */
00123                 while(!stopm || !stopp) {
00124                 /* Do the neighbor search while wa are in tab and we dont reach a 
00125                  * distance up to our criteria */
00126                         ip = ntest_x + sort_x ;
00127                         if(ip >= dim) stopp = 1 ;
00129                         if(stopp == 0) {
00130                                 curap = (s_atm*) xsort[ip].data ;
00132                                 if(curap->x - vvalx > dcrit) stopp = 1 ;
00133                                 else {
00134                                 /* OK we have an atom which is near our vertice on X, so 
00135                                  * calculate real distance */
00136                                         if(dist(curap->x, curap->y, curap->z, vvalx, vvaly, vvalz) < dcrit) {
00137                                         /* Distance OK, see if the molecule is not one part of the 
00138                                                 input, and if we have not already seen it. */
00139                                                 seen = is_in_lst_atm(atoms, natoms, curap->id) 
00140                                                            + is_in_lst_atm(neigh, nb_neigh, curap->id) ;
00141                                                 if(!seen) {
00142                                                         if(nb_neigh >= real_size-1) {
00143                                                                 real_size *= 2 ;
00144                                                                 neigh =(s_atm**) my_realloc(neigh, sizeof(s_atm)*real_size) ;
00145                                                         }
00146                                                         neigh[nb_neigh] = curap ;
00147                                                         nb_neigh ++ ;
00148                                                 }
00149                                         }
00150                                 }
00151                         }
00153                         im = sort_x - ntest_x ;
00154                         if(im < 0) stopm = 1 ;
00156                         if(stopm == 0) {
00157                                 curam = (s_atm*) xsort[im].data ;
00159                                 if(vvalx - curam->x > dcrit) stopm = 1 ;
00160                                 else {
00161                                 /* OK we have an atom which is near our vertice on X, so 
00162                                  * calculate real distance */
00163                                         if(dist(curam->x, curam->y, curam->z, vvalx, vvaly, vvalz) < dcrit){
00164                                         /* Distance OK, see if the molecule is not one part of the 
00165                                                 input, and if we have not already seen it. */
00166                                                 seen = is_in_lst_atm(atoms, natoms, curam->id) 
00167                                                            + is_in_lst_atm(neigh, nb_neigh, curam->id) ;
00168                                                 if(!seen) {
00169                                                         if(nb_neigh >= real_size-1) {
00170                                                                 real_size *= 2 ;
00171                                                                 neigh = (s_atm**)my_realloc(neigh, sizeof(s_atm)*real_size) ;
00172                                                         }
00173                                                         neigh[nb_neigh] = curam ;
00174                                                         nb_neigh ++ ;
00175                                                 }
00176                                         }
00177                                 }
00178                         }
00180                         ntest_x += 1 ;
00181                 }
00182         }
00184         *nneigh = nb_neigh ;
00185         free_s_vsort(lsort) ;
00187         return neigh ;
00188 }

s_atm** get_mol_ctd_atm_neigh ( s_atm **  atoms,
int  natoms,
s_vvertice **  pvert,
int  nvert,
float  vdcrit,
int  interface_search,
int *  nneigh 

## FUNCTION: get_mol_ctd_atm_neigh

## SPECIFICATION: Return a list of atoms contacted by voronoi vertices situated at dcrit of a given molecule represented by a list of its atoms.

## PARAMETRES: @ s_atm **atoms : The molecule. @ int natoms : Number of atoms in the molecule @ s_lst_vvertice *lvert : Full list of vertices present in the system @ float dcrit : The distance criteria. @ int interface_search : Perform an interface-type search ? @ int *nneigh : OUTPUT A pointer to the number of neighbour found, will be modified in the function...

## RETURN: A tab of pointers to atoms describing the pocket.

Definition at line 332 of file neighbor.c.

References dist(), free_s_vsort(), get_sorted_list(), M_INTERFACE_SEARCH_DIST, M_VERTICE_TYPE, my_malloc(), my_realloc(), s_vvertice::neigh, s_vsort::nelem, s_atm::seen, s_atm::sort_x, s_vvertice::x, s_atm::x, s_vsort::xsort, s_vvertice::y, s_atm::y, s_vvertice::z, and s_atm::z.

Referenced by get_actual_pocket(), and get_explicit_desc().

00335 {
00336         s_vsort *lsort =  get_sorted_list(atoms, natoms, pvert, nvert) ;
00337         s_vect_elem *xsort = lsort->xsort ;
00339         int ip, im,                     /* Current indexes in the tab (start at the current 
00340                                                    atom position, and check the tab in each directions */
00341                 stopm, stopp,   /* Say weteher the algorithm has to continue the search 
00342                                                    in each direction */
00343                 nb_neigh = 0,
00344                 sort_x = 0,             /* Index of the current ligand atom in the sorted list.*/
00345                 ntest_x = 0,
00346                 dim = lsort->nelem,
00347                 real_size = 10,
00348                 i, j ;
00350         float lx, ly, lz;
00352         s_vvertice *curvp = NULL, *curvm = NULL ;
00353         s_atm *curatm = NULL ;
00354         s_atm **neigh = (s_atm**)my_malloc(sizeof(s_atm*)*real_size) ;
00356         for(i = 0 ; i < nvert ; i++) {
00357                 for(j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++) {
00358                         pvert[i]->neigh[j]->seen = 0 ;
00359                 }
00360         }
00362         for(i = 0 ; i < natoms ; i++) {
00363                 s_atm *cur = atoms[i] ;
00365         /* Reinitialize variables */
00366                 stopm = 0; stopp = 0;           /* We can search in each directions */
00367                 sort_x = cur->sort_x ;          /* Get the index of the current lidang atom 
00368                                                                            in the sorted list. */
00369                 ntest_x = 1 ;
00371                 /* Coordinates of the current atom of the ligand */
00372                 lx = cur->x ; ly = cur->y ; lz = cur->z ;
00374         /* Search neighbors */
00375                 while(!stopm || !stopp) {
00376                 /* Do the neighbor search while we are in tab and we dont reach a 
00377                  * distance up to our criteria */
00378                         ip = ntest_x + sort_x ;
00380                         /* If we are out of the tab, stop the search in this direction */
00381                         if(ip >= dim) stopp = 1 ;       
00383                         if(stopp == 0 && xsort[ip].type == M_VERTICE_TYPE) {
00384                                 curvp = (s_vvertice*) xsort[ip].data ;
00386                                 /* Stop when the distance reaches the criteria */
00387                                 if(curvp->x - lx > vdcrit) stopp = 1 ;
00388                                 else {
00389                                 /*OK we have a vertice which is near our atom on the X axe, 
00390                                   so calculate real distance */
00391                                         if(dist(curvp->x, curvp->y, curvp->z, lx, ly, lz) < vdcrit) {
00392                                         /* If the distance from the atom to the vertice is small enough*/
00393                                                 for(j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++) {
00394                                                         curatm = curvp->neigh[j] ;
00395                                                         if(! curatm->seen) {
00396                                                                 if(interface_search && 
00397                                                                 dist(curatm->x, curatm->y, curatm->z, lx, ly, lz) 
00398                                                                                 < M_INTERFACE_SEARCH_DIST) {
00399                                                                 /* If we have not seen yet this atom and if he 
00400                                                                  * is not too far away from the ligand, add it*/
00401                                                                         if(nb_neigh >= real_size-1) {
00402                                                                                 real_size *= 2 ;
00403                                                                                 neigh = (s_atm**)my_realloc(neigh, sizeof(s_atm)*real_size) ;
00404                                                                         }
00405                                                                         neigh[nb_neigh] = curatm ;
00406                                                                         curatm->seen = 1 ;
00407                                                                         nb_neigh ++ ;
00408                                                                 }
00409                                                                 else if(!interface_search) {
00410                                                                 /* If we have not seen yet this atom and if he 
00411                                                                  * is not too far away from the ligand, add it*/
00412                                                                         if(nb_neigh >= real_size-1) {
00413                                                                                 real_size *= 2 ;
00414                                                                                 neigh = (s_atm**)my_realloc(neigh, sizeof(s_atm)*real_size) ;
00415                                                                         }
00416                                                                         curatm->seen = 1 ;
00417                                                                         neigh[nb_neigh] = curatm ;
00418                                                                         nb_neigh ++ ;
00419                                                                 }
00420                                                         } 
00421                                                 }
00422                                         }
00423                                 }
00424                         }
00426                         im = sort_x - ntest_x ;
00427                         /* If we are out of the tab, stop the search in this direction */
00428                         if(im < 0) stopm = 1 ;          
00430                         if(stopm == 0 && xsort[im].type == M_VERTICE_TYPE) {
00431                                 curvm = (s_vvertice*) xsort[im].data ;
00433                                 if(lx - curvm->x > vdcrit) stopm = 1 ;
00434                                 else {
00435                                 /* OK we have a vertice which is near our atom on the X axe, 
00436                                  * so calculate real distance*/
00437                                         if(dist(curvm->x, curvm->y, curvm->z, lx, ly, lz) < vdcrit) {
00438                                         /* If the distance from the atom to the vertice is small enough */
00439                                                 for(j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++) {
00440                                                         curatm = curvm->neigh[j] ;
00441                                                         if(! curatm->seen) {
00442                                                                 if(interface_search && 
00443                                                                 dist(curatm->x, curatm->y, curatm->z, lx, ly, lz) 
00444                                                                                 < M_INTERFACE_SEARCH_DIST) { 
00445                                                                 /* If we have not seen yet this atom and if he 
00446                                                                  * is not too far away from the ligand, add it */
00447                                                                         if(nb_neigh >= real_size-1) {
00448                                                                                 real_size *= 2 ;
00449                                                                                 neigh = (s_atm**)
00450                                                                                 my_realloc(neigh, sizeof(s_atm)*real_size) ;
00451                                                                         }
00452                                                                         curatm->seen = 1 ;
00453                                                                         neigh[nb_neigh] = curatm ;
00454                                                                         nb_neigh ++ ;
00455                                                                 }
00456                                                                 else if(!interface_search) {
00457                                                                 /* If we have not seen yet this atom and if he 
00458                                                                  * is not too far away from the ligand, add it */
00459                                                                         if(nb_neigh >= real_size-1) {
00460                                                                                 real_size *= 2 ;
00461                                                                                 neigh = (s_atm**)my_realloc(neigh, sizeof(s_atm)*real_size) ;
00462                                                                         }
00463                                                                         curatm->seen = 1 ;
00464                                                                         neigh[nb_neigh] = curatm ;
00465                                                                         nb_neigh ++ ;
00466                                                                 }
00467                                                         } 
00468                                                 }
00469                                         }
00470                                 }
00471                         }
00473                         ntest_x += 1 ;
00474                 }
00475         }
00477         *nneigh = nb_neigh ;
00478         free_s_vsort(lsort) ;
00480         return neigh ;
00481 }

s_vvertice** get_mol_vert_neigh ( s_atm **  atoms,
int  natoms,
s_vvertice **  pvert,
int  nvert,
float  dcrit,
int *  nneigh 

## FUNCTION: get_mol_vert_neigh

## SPECIFICATION: Return a list of pointer to the vertices situated a distance lower or equal to dcrit of a molecule represented by it's list of atoms.

This functon use a list of atoms that is sorted on the X dimension to accelerate the research.

## PARAMETRES: @ s_atm **atoms : The molecule. @ int natoms : Number of atoms in the molecule @ s_lst_vvertice *lvert : Full list of vertices present in the system @ float dcrit : The distance criteria. @ int *nneigh : OUTPUT A pointer to the number of neighbour found, will be modified in the function...

## RETURN: A tab of pointers to the neighbours.

Definition at line 213 of file neighbor.c.

References dist(), free_s_vsort(), get_sorted_list(), s_vvertice::id, is_in_lst_vert(), M_VERTICE_TYPE, my_malloc(), my_realloc(), s_vsort::nelem, s_atm::sort_x, s_vvertice::x, s_atm::x, s_vsort::xsort, s_vvertice::y, s_atm::y, s_vvertice::z, and s_atm::z.

Referenced by get_explicit_desc().

00216 {       
00217         s_vsort *lsort =  get_sorted_list(atoms, natoms, pvert, nvert) ;
00218         s_vect_elem *xsort = lsort->xsort ;
00220         int ip, im,
00221                 stopm, stopp,
00222                 nb_neigh,
00223                 sort_x,
00224                 ntest_x,
00225                 dim = lsort->nelem ;
00227         float vvalx, vvaly, vvalz;
00229         int real_size = 10,
00230                 i, seen ;
00232         s_vvertice *curvp = NULL, *curvm = NULL ;
00233         s_vvertice **neigh = (s_vvertice**)my_malloc(sizeof(s_vvertice*)*real_size) ;
00235         nb_neigh = 0 ;
00236         for(i = 0 ; i < natoms ; i++) {
00237                 s_atm *cur = atoms[i] ;
00239         /* Reinitialize variables */
00240                 stopm = 0; stopp = 0;
00241                 sort_x = cur->sort_x ;
00242                 ntest_x = 1 ;
00243                 vvalx = cur->x ; vvaly = cur->y ; vvalz = cur->z ;
00245         /* Search neighbors */
00246                 while(!stopm || !stopp) {
00247                 /* Do the neighbor search while wa are in tab and we dont reach a 
00248                  * distance up to our criteria */
00249                         ip = ntest_x + sort_x ;
00250                         if(ip >= dim) stopp = 1 ;
00252                         if(stopp == 0 && xsort[ip].type == M_VERTICE_TYPE) {
00253                                 curvp = (s_vvertice*) xsort[ip].data ;
00255                                 if(curvp->x - vvalx > dcrit) stopp = 1 ;
00256                                 else {
00257                                 /* OK we have an atom which is near our vertice on X, so 
00258                                  * calculate real distance */
00259                                         if(dist(curvp->x, curvp->y, curvp->z, vvalx, vvaly, vvalz) < dcrit) {
00260                                         /* Distance OK, see if the molecule have not been already seen. */
00261                                                 seen = is_in_lst_vert(neigh, nb_neigh, curvp->id) ;
00262                                                 if(!seen) {
00263                                                         if(nb_neigh >= real_size-1) {
00264                                                                 real_size *= 2 ;
00265                                                                 neigh = (s_vvertice **)my_realloc(neigh, 
00266                                                                                                 sizeof(s_vvertice)*real_size) ;
00267                                                         }
00268                                                         neigh[nb_neigh] = curvp ;
00269                                                         nb_neigh ++ ;
00270                                                 }
00271                                         }
00272                                 }
00273                         }
00275                         im = sort_x - ntest_x ;
00276                         if(im < 0) stopm = 1 ;
00278                         if(stopm == 0 && xsort[im].type == M_VERTICE_TYPE) {
00279                                 curvm = (s_vvertice*) xsort[im].data ;
00281                                 if(vvalx - curvm->x > dcrit) stopm = 1 ;
00282                                 else {
00283                                 /* OK we have an atom which is near our vertice on X, so 
00284                                  * calculate real distance */
00285                                         if(dist(curvm->x, curvm->y, curvm->z, vvalx, vvaly, vvalz) < dcrit){
00286                                         /* Distance OK, see if the molecule is not one part of the 
00287                                          * input, and if we have not already seen it. */
00288                                                 seen = is_in_lst_vert(neigh, nb_neigh, curvm->id) ;
00289                                                 if(!seen) {
00290                                                         if(nb_neigh >= real_size-1) {
00291                                                                 real_size *= 2 ;
00292                                                                 neigh = (s_vvertice**)my_realloc(neigh, sizeof(s_vvertice)*real_size) ;
00293                                                         }
00294                                                         neigh[nb_neigh] = curvm ;
00295                                                         nb_neigh ++ ;
00296                                                 }
00297                                         }
00298                                 }
00299                         }
00301                         ntest_x += 1 ;
00302                 }
00303         }
00305         *nneigh = nb_neigh ;
00306         free_s_vsort(lsort) ;
00308         return neigh ;
00309 }

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