cluster.h File Reference

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "voronoi.h"
#include "calc.h"
#include "pocket.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  s_sorted_pocket_list


void pck_ml_clust (c_lst_pockets *pockets, s_fparams *params)
int comp_pocket (const void *el1, const void *el2)
void pck_final_clust (c_lst_pockets *pockets, s_fparams *params, s_pdb *pdb, s_pdb *pdb_w_lig)

Function Documentation

int comp_pocket ( const void *  el1,
const void *  el2 

Definition at line 255 of file cluster.c.

References s_sorted_pocket_list::dist.

Referenced by pck_final_clust().

00256 {
00258     s_sorted_pocket_list *ia = (s_sorted_pocket_list *)el1;
00259     s_sorted_pocket_list *ib = (s_sorted_pocket_list *)el2;
00261     //if (ia->dist<0.0)printf("dist %f\n",((s_sorted_pocket_list *)el1)->dist);
00262   if (ia->dist <  ib->dist) return -1;
00263   if (ia->dist == ib->dist) return  0;
00264   if (ia->dist >  ib->dist) return  1;
00265     return 0;
00266 }

void pck_final_clust ( c_lst_pockets pockets,
s_fparams params,
s_pdb pdb,
s_pdb pdb_w_lig 

Definition at line 70 of file cluster.c.

References s_desc::as_density, comp_pocket(), s_sorted_pocket_list::dist, dist(), c_lst_vertices::first, c_lst_pockets::first, mergePockets(), my_malloc(), c_lst_pockets::n_pockets, s_desc::nb_asph, node_vertice::next, node_pocket::next, s_pocket::pdesc, s_sorted_pocket_list::pid1, s_sorted_pocket_list::pid2, node_pocket::pocket, set_pockets_descriptors(), s_fparams::sl_clust_max_dist, s_pocket::v_lst, node_vertice::vertice, s_vvertice::x, s_vvertice::y, and s_vvertice::z.

Referenced by search_pocket().

00071 {
00072         node_pocket *pcur = NULL,
00073                                 *pnext = NULL ,
00074                                 *curMobilePocket = NULL ;
00076         node_vertice *vcur = NULL ;
00077         node_vertice *curMobileVertice = NULL ;
00079         s_vvertice *vvcur = NULL,
00080                            *mvvcur = NULL ;
00081         float vcurx,
00082                   vcury,
00083                   vcurz ;
00084         float curdist;
00085         float curasphdens,dens1,dens2;
00086         float **dmat;   /*distance matrix*/
00087         size_t i,j;
00088         dmat=(float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*pockets->n_pockets);
00089         for(i=0;i<pockets->n_pockets;i++) {
00090             dmat[i]=(float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*pockets->n_pockets);
00091             for(j=0;j<pockets->n_pockets;j++) dmat[i][j]=0.0;
00092         }
00094         /* Flag to know if two clusters are next to each other by single linkage
00095          * clustering...or not */
00096         int nflag ;
00098         if(!pockets) {
00099                 fprintf(stderr, "! Incorrect argument during Multiple Linkage Clustering.\n") ;
00100                 return ;
00101         }
00103         /* Set the first pocket */
00104         set_pockets_descriptors(pockets,pdb,params,pdb_w_lig);
00105         pcur = pockets->first ;
00106         //fprintf(stdout,"\nHaving %d comparisons\n",pockets->n_pockets*pockets->n_pockets);
00107         i=0;
00108         size_t n_slist=0;
00109         while(pcur) {
00110             j=i+1;
00111                 /* Set the second pocket */
00112                 curMobilePocket = pcur->next ;
00113                 while(curMobilePocket) {
00114                         curdist=0.0;
00116                         nflag = 0 ;
00117                         /* Set the first vertice/alpha sphere center of the first pocket */
00118                         vcur = pcur->pocket->v_lst->first ;
00119                         while(vcur){
00120                                 /* Set the first vertice/alpha sphere center of the second pocket */
00121                                 curMobileVertice = curMobilePocket->pocket->v_lst->first ;
00122                                 vvcur = vcur->vertice ;
00123                                 vcurx = vvcur->x ;
00124                                 vcury = vvcur->y ;
00125                                 vcurz = vvcur->z ;
00127                                 /* Double loop for vertices -> if not near */
00128                                 while(curMobileVertice){
00129                                         mvvcur = curMobileVertice->vertice ;
00130                                         if(dist(vcurx, vcury, vcurz, mvvcur->x, mvvcur->y, mvvcur->z)<params->sl_clust_max_dist) curdist-=1.0;
00131                                         curMobileVertice = curMobileVertice->next;
00132                                 }
00133                                 vcur = vcur->next ;
00134                         }
00136                         pnext =  curMobilePocket->next ;
00137                         /* If the distance flag has counted enough occurences of near neighbours, merge pockets*/
00138                                 /* If they are next to each other, merge them */
00139                                 //mergePockets(pcur,curMobilePocket,pockets);
00140                         //fprintf(stdout,"\ni %d j %d\n",i,j),
00142                         dens1=pcur->pocket->pdesc->as_density;
00143                         dens1=((isnan(dens1)) ? 0.0 : dens1);
00145                         dens2=curMobilePocket->pocket->pdesc->as_density;
00146                         dens2=((isnan(dens2)) ? 0.0 : dens2);
00147                         curasphdens=0.01*(dens1-dens2)*(dens1-dens2);
00148                         curasphdens+=(exp(0.1*dens1)+exp(0.1*dens2))/2.0-1.0;
00149                         //curasphdens=0.0;
00150                         dmat[i][j]=curdist;
00151                         dmat[j][i]=curdist;
00152                         curMobilePocket = pnext ;
00153                         n_slist++;
00154                         j++;
00155                 }
00156                 pcur = pcur->next ;
00157                 i++;
00158         }
00160         /* Now we have to merge nearby pockets without loosing track*/
00162         /*create a chained list with track on */
00163         n_slist=((pockets->n_pockets*pockets->n_pockets)-pockets->n_pockets)/2;
00164         s_sorted_pocket_list *slist=NULL;
00165         slist=(s_sorted_pocket_list *)my_malloc(sizeof(s_sorted_pocket_list)*n_slist);
00166         //s_sorted_pocket_list slist[n_slist];
00167         for(i=0;i<n_slist;i++) slist[i].dist=0.0;
00168         //for(i=0;i<n_slist;i++)slist[i]=(s_sorted_pocket_list *)my_malloc(sizeof(s_sorted_pocket_list));
00169         s_sorted_pocket_list *el=my_malloc(sizeof(s_sorted_pocket_list));
00170 //        pcur=pockets->first;
00173         int c=0;
00174         for(i=0;i<pockets->n_pockets-1;i++){
00175             //curMobilePocket=pcur->next;
00176             for(j=i+1;j<pockets->n_pockets;j++){
00178                 el->dist=dmat[i][j];
00179                 memcpy(&(slist[c].dist),&(dmat[i][j]),sizeof(float));
00180                 //slist[i+j-1].dist=dmat[i][j];
00181                 slist[c].pid1=i;
00182                 slist[c].pid2=j;
00183                 //if(i==173 && j==299)fprintf(stdout,"\ncurdist %d %d %f %f\n",j+i-1, n_slist,dmat[i][j], slist[j+i-1].dist);
00184                 //fprintf(stdout,"%f %d %d\n",slist[c].dist,slist[c].pid1,slist[c].pid2);
00185                 c++;
00186             }
00187   //          pcur=pcur->next;
00188         }
00189         //for(i=0;i<n_slist;i++) if(slist[i].dist<-480.0)fprintf(stdout,"%f %d %d\n",slist[i].dist,slist[i].pid1,slist[i].pid2);
00190         //fflush(stdout);
00191         qsort((void *)slist,n_slist,sizeof(s_sorted_pocket_list),comp_pocket);
00193         //for(i=0;i<n_slist;i++) fprintf(stdout,"%f %d %d\n",slist[i].dist,slist[i].pid1,slist[i].pid2);
00194         /*TODO : debug here there are still some neighbours with nan pid's after the qsort*/
00195         i=0;
00197         /*create a tmp pocket list for updating pointers*/
00198         node_pocket **pock_list=my_malloc(sizeof(node_pocket *)*pockets->n_pockets);
00199         pcur=pockets->first;
00200         i=0;
00201         /*get a list of pointers to nodes*/
00202         while(pcur) {
00203             pock_list[i]=pcur;
00204             pcur=pcur->next;
00205             i++;
00206         }
00208         int idx1,idx2;
00209         node_pocket *p1,*p2;
00210         i=0;
00211         size_t init_n_pockets=pockets->n_pockets;
00213         while((slist[i].dist<=-params->sl_clust_min_nneigh) && (i<n_slist)){
00214             /*for all nearby pockets merge*/
00215             //fprintf(stdout,"%f\n",slist[i].dist);
00216             idx1=slist[i].pid1;
00217             idx2=slist[i].pid2;
00219             /*fprintf(stdout,"%d %d\n",idx1,idx2);
00220             fflush(stdout);*/
00221             if(pock_list[idx1]!=pock_list[idx2]){
00222                 p1=*(pock_list+idx1);
00223                 p2=*(pock_list+idx2);
00224                 dens1=((isnan(p1->pocket->pdesc->as_density)) ? 0.0 : p1->pocket->pdesc->as_density)/p1->pocket->pdesc->nb_asph;
00225                 dens2=((isnan(p2->pocket->pdesc->as_density)) ? 0.0 : p2->pocket->pdesc->as_density)/p2->pocket->pdesc->nb_asph;
00226                 //printf("%f vs %f\n",dens1/p1->pocket->pdesc->nb_asph, dens2/p1->pocket->pdesc->nb_asph);
00227                 if(dens1 < 0.1 && dens2 < 0.1){
00228                     for(j=0;j<init_n_pockets;j++){
00229                         if(pock_list[j]==p2){ //j!=idx2 &&
00230                             pock_list[j]=p1;
00231                             //fprintf(stdout,"update %d to %d\n",j, idx1);
00232                         }
00233                     }
00235                     mergePockets(p1,p2,pockets);
00236                     pock_list[idx2]=p1;
00237                 }
00238             }
00239             i++;
00240         }
00242         //for(i=0;i<pockets->n_pockets-1;i++){
00243             //fprintf(stdout,"dist %d vs %d = %f\n",slist[i].p1->pocket->rank,slist[i].p2->pocket->rank,slist[i].dist);
00244         //}
00246         /*free dmat*/
00247         for(i=0;i<pockets->n_pockets;i++) free(dmat[i]);
00248         free(dmat);
00250 }

void pck_ml_clust ( c_lst_pockets pockets,
s_fparams params 

## FONCTION: void pck_ml_clust(c_lst_pockets *pockets, s_fparams *params)

## SPECIFICATION: This function will apply a mutliple linkage clustering algorithm on the given list of pockets. Considering two pockets, if params->ml_clust_min_nneigh alpha spheres are separated by a distance lower than params->ml_clust_max_dist, then merge the two pockets.

## PARAMETRES: @ c_lst_pockets *pockets : The list of pockets @ s_fparams *params : Parameters of the program, including single linkage parameters

## RETURN: void

Definition at line 290 of file cluster.c.

References dist(), c_lst_vertices::first, c_lst_pockets::first, mergePockets(), node_vertice::next, node_pocket::next, node_pocket::pocket, s_fparams::sl_clust_max_dist, s_fparams::sl_clust_min_nneigh, s_pocket::v_lst, node_vertice::vertice, s_vvertice::x, s_vvertice::y, and s_vvertice::z.

00291 {
00292         node_pocket *pcur = NULL,
00293                                 *pnext = NULL ,
00294                                 *curMobilePocket = NULL ;
00296         node_vertice *vcur = NULL ;
00297         node_vertice *curMobileVertice = NULL ;
00299         s_vvertice *vvcur = NULL,
00300                            *mvvcur = NULL ;
00301         float vcurx,
00302                   vcury,
00303                   vcurz ;
00305         /* Flag to know if two clusters are next to each other by single linkage
00306          * clustering...or not */
00307         int nflag ;
00309         if(!pockets) {
00310                 fprintf(stderr, "! Incorrect argument during Single Linkage Clustering.\n") ;
00311                 return ;
00312         }
00314         /* Set the first pocket */
00315         pcur = pockets->first ;
00316         while(pcur) {
00317                 /* Set the second pocket */
00318                 curMobilePocket = pcur->next ;
00319                 while(curMobilePocket) {
00320                         nflag = 0 ;
00321                         /* Set the first vertice/alpha sphere center of the first pocket */
00322                         vcur = pcur->pocket->v_lst->first ;
00323                         while(vcur && nflag <= params->sl_clust_min_nneigh){
00324                                 /* Set the first vertice/alpha sphere center of the second pocket */
00325                                 curMobileVertice = curMobilePocket->pocket->v_lst->first ;
00326                                 vvcur = vcur->vertice ;
00327                                 vcurx = vvcur->x ;
00328                                 vcury = vvcur->y ;
00329                                 vcurz = vvcur->z ;
00331                                 /* Double loop for vertices -> if not near */
00332                                 while(curMobileVertice && nflag <= params->sl_clust_min_nneigh){
00333                                         mvvcur = curMobileVertice->vertice ;
00334                                         if(dist(vcurx, vcury, vcurz, mvvcur->x, mvvcur->y, mvvcur->z)
00335                                                 < params->sl_clust_max_dist) {
00336                                                                                                         /*if beneath the clustering max distance, increment the distance flag*/
00337                                                 nflag++;
00338                                         }
00339                                         curMobileVertice = curMobileVertice->next;
00340                                 }
00341                                 vcur = vcur->next ;
00342                         }
00344                         pnext =  curMobilePocket->next ;
00345                         /* If the distance flag has counted enough occurences of near neighbours, merge pockets*/
00346                         if(nflag >= params->sl_clust_min_nneigh) {
00347                                 /* If they are next to each other, merge them */
00348                                 mergePockets(pcur,curMobilePocket,pockets);
00349                         }
00350                         curMobilePocket = pnext ;
00351                 }
00353                 pcur = pcur->next ;
00354         }
00355 }

Generated on Mon Jun 7 16:44:23 2010 for fpocket by  doxygen 1.5.6